Ryzen 3 (pronounced rye-zen) is a family of low-end performance 64-bit quad-core x86 microprocessors introduced by amd in late-2017. ryzen 3 is based on the zen microarchitecture and is manufactured on gf's 14 nm process. ryzen 3 is marketed toward the low-end performance market.. Ryzen is a multithreaded, high performance processor released by amd in q1, 2017. it is the first cpu released based on the zen microarchitecture.its goal is to directly compete with intel's broadwell-e processor line, primarily the core i7-6900k.. Amd demoed 3 processor in ryzen 7 line up. 1800x, 1700x and 1700. priced at $499, $399 and $329. 1800x compete with intel 6900k a $1000+ processor. as per demo it's able to beat it in cinebench eventhough amd uses 16gb ddr4 where as intel uses 32gb..
Amd ryzen cpu cores / threads l3 cache tdp base frequency turbo frequency xfr overclocking unlocked price amd ryzen 7 1800x 8 / 16 16 mb 95 w 3.6 ghz 4.0 ghz 4.0 ghz+ yes $499 amd ryzen 7 1700x 8 / 16 16 mb 95 w 3.4 ghz 3.8 ghz 3.8 ghz+ yes $399 amd ryzen 7 1700 8 / 16 16 mb 65 w 3.0 ghz 3.7 ghz n/a yes $329 amd ryzen 5 1600x 6 / 12 16 mb 95 w. Introducing latest addition to the amd cpus, ryzen™ 7 processor! check out the features, specifications, ryzen™ 7 reviews, and experience the new ryzen™ power..