Pro team multiple hybrid os7.1 v2 petunjuk instalasi : download pro team multiple hybrid os7.1 beserta sfi dari masing-masing jenis bb anda dan extract ke pc/laptop. install base os nya baik yg leaked/official. saya ambil contoh 9810 versi Oiya, hybrid os 7.1 nya berrylicious itu install nya hrs ada base os nya dulu gan trs isi folder java nya hybrid os 7.1 berrylicious di copas ke dlm folder java base os? 17-10-2012 15:12 0. Hybrid os blackberry update. 4/06/2012 08:40:00 am blackberry, evonyx pegasus 7.1 hybrid . email this blogthis! share to twitter share to facebook. reactions: installation instructions: 1. download & install your selected device os 7.1 ( using base 205) example: c:program filescommon files....
Advantages using this hybrid: 1. less memory and battery drain, speedy boot up time, and speedy browser. 2. gps, bluetooth, 4g/3g and wifi locks faster than standard or leaked os. 3. responsiveness installation instructions: 1. download & install your selected device os 7.1. Would it even make a difference which base os you use though since you delete the contents of the base os folder and paste the hybrid into it? no. there are no different at all. doesn't matter which base you use.. We use cookies to store session information to facilitate remembering your login information, to allow you to save website preferences, to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic..